On Stands Now

Calliope, April 2013.Mrs. Kuhl expressed surprise upon seeing the fantastic cover of this month’s Calliope, in particular to the “POWs Meet Their Captors” blurb. The story examines three different experiences during World War II: those of German POWs in England, German POWs in the US, and of Japanese-Americans in American internment camps. Her shock is why I adore Calliope — it’s not the pablum like Time For Kids they shovel at my sons’ school.

The entire issue explores such differing perspectives of and within history. Also inside are letters from Pliny and Trajan regarding early Christians, a story about the racism that surrounded the archaeology of Great Zimbabwe, conflicting theories about the peopling of Polynesia, and the arguments that led to the Civil War. I round out the issue by describing some of the comparatively mild disagreements over which sports should be included in the Olympics.

You can purchase a subscription to Calliope at Amazon.

On Stands Now

Calliope, February 2013.The theme of February’s Calliope is dictators and tyrants throughout history: men like Peisistratos of Athens, Shi Huangdi of China, and of course, Julius Caesar of Rome.

There’s also a fun imaginary debate between Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau about what government students should choose if the adults vanish from their school, leaving them in a state of nature (the pig’s head was unavailable for comment).

I have a feature about modern dictators, some of whom are still kicking and some — like Muammar Qaddafi — who are not.

A one-year, nine-issue subscription to Calliope is available at Amazon.

On Stands Now

Rivers are the theme of the October issue of Calliope and inside I have a couple of articles explaining the mechanics of waterwheels, dams, and locks. Very fortuitous, as this month my oldest is doing a school project on river basins. Synergy! Synchronicity! Or something.